How much Creeper does fields hold?

Started by CobraKill, August 20, 2011, 10:47:24 AM

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Never trust a computer that doesn't fit through your nearest window.


I think they can hold anything while standing still, but I'm not sure about that.

But while moving they overflow when higher than 5000 (Lvl 1) 50000 (Lvl 2) 500.000 (Lvl3) and 5.000.000 (Lvl 4)


stationary pin fields can hold any amount

For moving fields:
Let L be the level

We have become the creeper...


For directional fields:
L1: holds back 15000 creeper
L2: 500000
L3: 5000000
L4: Any amount

Pin fields will keep any amount of creeper from moving, but will only carry 5000 as L1, 50000 as L2, 500000, then 5M for L4 fields. Worth mentioning that if the pin field overlaps with any directional field or repulsor, the pin field will continue to carry creeper around with it but it will not keep creeper from moving (this can be used if you want to reshape a field while it's moving by overlapping a directional field and pin field on the same path).


Never trust a computer that doesn't fit through your nearest window.