Custom Map: One by One

Started by AutoPost, September 20, 2010, 12:01:52 PM

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Author: Timwi

One by One.


At first glance this appeared to be a dull map, but it's actually pretty clever. Nice.



that's right, really great map. May be you can do it under 7:30, I think so. I guess you have to leave the first one until the end...

ok, here is the trick: you have to cap the LAST emitter at first and the first 2 emitters just let them don't overflow.


Can you give more tips? Hos can you get the energy up enough to build so many mortars at the beginning? It takes 6 mortars but the energy is not high enough to build them and if you build for energy you can't build enough mortars.... ???


Hi K3jsparks,

I'm sure there is a better way, but here is how I did it.  Click the Spoiler button to see.


- Build a 3-5 collectors.
- Now build collectors and mortars.  Always have 2 collectors in progress, and 1 mortar in progress, until you have built 5 mortars.
- Put mortar 1 in front of pool A.
- Put mortar 2 between pool A and pool B.  This keeps pool A from overflowing, and slows down pool B.
- Put mortar 3 in front of pool B.  Put mortar 4 between pool B and pool C.  Put mortar 5 in front of pool C.
- The pools never overflowed, and are under control.  Finish the collector grid, carefully (don't let energy Deficit get too high).
- Build some Speed, Storage, and Reactors for more energy.
- Build a generous fleet of Blasters and subdue pool C.  Move C's mortars to concentrate on pool B.
- Subdue pool B, then pool A.



Thank you! I see my mistake now--too early building reactors. I appreciate the help!   ;D