CW2 bug? Gameplay freezes with very many active units

Started by dilogic, June 22, 2011, 01:57:25 AM

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Maybe it's my crazy gameplay, but I found on level 18 in CW2 story mode that the game freezes when I cause a large number of blasters and some launchers to engage at the same time. I have a savegame right before this moment, so it's easy to reproduce. Removing the outer edge of ground of the middle block all at once will do it (I tried this just to play around, not because it's good strategy by the way..).

So what I see happen is that the action freezes, but the game is otherwise responsive (you can exit through the menu). The scroll bar will move, but the screen won't scroll. It's almost (but not quite) as if the game is simply paused. This doesn't peg the CPU at 100%, but both cores remain loaded more than half.

All the relevant files (I think) are attached, but let me know if anything else is needed.



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Argh..  stupid. >:( >:( >:(

It's removed, thanks for the warning.

Ebon Heart

This would happen with any game... any sort of animation will lagg up the computer a little, when you have this many units, well... the results speak for themselves.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


That's an honest to goodness bug....
The 'freeze' is caused by an unhandled exception.  It actually is caused because there are so many "mist" objects created at once.

The only way I could reproduce it was to pause the game, select the entire outer edge of the creeper mosaic to be excavated, then unpause the game.  You have enough rifts around so that most of the terrain gets excavated and opened up before the creeper can kill the packets.  This lets out a huge amount of creeper and your blasters all open fire.  The resulting blue mist is so great that it overflows the maximum amount that I planned for.

Easy fix, and will be taken care of in the next update.  Note that turning off the mist effects will _not_ avoid the problem.  That just turns off the rendering of the mist, not the creation of the mist objects.


Interesting, thanks for the update. That's some dense creeper inside that mosaic..


Ebon Heart

Quote from: virgilw on June 22, 2011, 11:52:00 AM
That's an honest to goodness bug....
The 'freeze' is caused by an unhandled exception.  It actually is caused because there are so many "mist" objects created at once.

The only way I could reproduce it was to pause the game, select the entire outer edge of the creeper mosaic to be excavated, then unpause the game.  You have enough rifts around so that most of the terrain gets excavated and opened up before the creeper can kill the packets.  This lets out a huge amount of creeper and your blasters all open fire.  The resulting blue mist is so great that it overflows the maximum amount that I planned for.

Easy fix, and will be taken care of in the next update.  Note that turning off the mist effects will _not_ avoid the problem.  That just turns off the rendering of the mist, not the creation of the mist objects.
So it still creates the mist even if it isn't rendered? I didn't know that... does it do that in cw1 too?
When the going gets tough, the tough get going. The smart left a long time ago.
Check out the amazing A Tragedy Forgotten CW2 map series!


It seems unlikely that it does that in CW1, as you have to restart the game for mist effects to turn on or off.


I did the same thing on the same level with more blasters but everything froze except the drone that destroied everything it touched i hade to manually destroy everythiong then save and reload.