Deploy Working Map To Game

Started by SPIFFEN, January 30, 2010, 09:54:28 PM

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I'm working on a system so that others can approve the uploads.  Believe it or not, it isn't much work.... other than deciding what to do about the thumbnail images.  Those images are made by the map editor...  So currently, when someone submits a map I download it, load it in the editor, create a thumbnail, deploy to the game, test the game, then upload the map, text, and thumbnail to the database.

Creating the thumbnail isn't something I can do completely on the server, so I have to involve some client code to create that image.  This means for anyone 'approving' an uploaded map I have to have a way for them to create the thumbnail.  There are about 5 ways to solve this problem... which is one or the worst things that can happen :)  It means I have to evaluate which is best before I can proceed.  But, I'll settle on something since the maps keep coming....


Mayby the maps should be auto uploaded ,
and then deleted by you an the MODs as you see how the map workes .
Yoy have way to much to do , so you should find an way to make it easy for your self .
Then you would get more time to make the game as you want to ,
as long as the mods do as they should =P
PLZ THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU CALL YOUR TOPIC ! It will make the search work better =)
My maps :
How to make links