New Map: Choices

Started by ItsFunToLose, February 05, 2010, 02:27:36 AM

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Because life is all about making tough choices.

I'm back, and this time I've put together a pretty rad map that offers two completely different gaming approaches, lending to it some amazing replay value.

feedback is welcome and appreciated. 

Thanks and Good Luck.


good to see you again!

Nice map! Idea - was great.

But I expected more :(

8:40 / 8736

I hope it will be a little more difficult.


which route did you choose?  I'm finding the blaster side to be a bit easier.  I initially had the starting terrain available for the blaster side drastically reduced and was finding it hard to get a foothold.  Overcompensation.  I'm working on a new map that probably won't be too difficult, but has a really neat start

edit:  found a way to make the start overwhelming.  give me a few hours and my next map might be mroe of a challenge

Alwego, Try this map, Adaptation.  Still beta testing it myself.  I believe it to be winnable. I found a way to take a strong foothold; I haven't followed through with it to victory, but I am certain this map is winnable.  If I get too many complaints, I will post my solution.  Have to transfer my files to my desktop, I would play through, but the game is too laggy on my dell mini.  Would take 2 hours to play a "30 minute" game

Edit2: Adding a new version of Choices.  Hopefully making the blaster side equal in difficulty with the mortar choice.

edit3:  Edited adaptation.   added spore waves, and removed drones.  good [expletive deleted - G.] luck


I like reactors so I fly to southeast (in Choice v2 too). When there has stabilized I builid 2nd blaster(3 in v2), and back to the central island/mountain. Later I flew and took other nano schematics and back before my blaster lose all the ammo. Connected to southwest totem is easy. Northeast totem don't hard too. Need only 3-4 blaster and 2 drone (one i destroyed) to gain some space for relay.
My time in Choicesv2 - 13:14

Adaptation - interesting...interesting... Several times I thought that I lost but I managed to survive. I should earlier start building reactors.

Great maps :)