Extra Creeper World folders?

Started by Karsten75, January 28, 2010, 05:17:25 PM

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on my desktop PC, in the \Appdata\Roaming folder, there is a directory CreeperMap and another named CreeperMap.BA6B793AB2C9FDD744493F22666C1F8DFA806A5E.1

Similar for CreeperWorld and one more(CreeperPatch?).

Any idea why/what that folder is for? It has at least one sub-folder beneath it.



Adobe AIR creates a unique folder for each installed application.  It is for storing application specific settings.  I put everything in just a "creeperworld" directory so that save game progress isn't lost if you uninstall, reinstall, or somehow goof up the installation and have to reinstall.  Even though I do this, AIR still creates the unique directory for each app.