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Started by Brandon_R, January 01, 2010, 02:42:36 PM

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u would only be able to build as many thors as would fit on the ground considering how long it takes to make the darn things, besides, if theres a map that u NEED more than one thor, no amount of skill is gonna help u there.
Not even death can stop the truly determined.

I told them, "I want to add to the world."
They said, "Then learn how to use the editor."
I asked, "What is the editor?"
They said, "Life."


and thats the reason why i would hate maps like these. In normal maps theres alot of room for skill, on maps like this there would only be 1 valid tactic: stalemate ---> get reactors ---> build thors, which is pretty much something every noob can do


one thor is always enough for this simple reason:
if thor can't cap all the emitters by itself you can simply have it sit over odin city (if there's emitters coming from multiple directions) or at a chokepoint to hold off the creeper till you fill up with turrets and energy


if all of the emitters are set to 1000 intensity, and start after enough time to make at least one thor then u have a stalemate, ud have to be able to make another to win
Not even death can stop the truly determined.

I told them, "I want to add to the world."
They said, "Then learn how to use the editor."
I asked, "What is the editor?"
They said, "Life."


build 50 drones, send 25 at the same time to bomb the emitter and take turns, this will completly destroy any creeper, giving you time to take the totems ---> win   

as long as there is space and (if possible) reactors ANY map is possible


1 problem then. I cant think there can even be a map with 50 drones and enough space to build enough reactors
Dont trust who you cant trust.
Kick em when their down