Custom Map: Order4

Started by AutoPost, February 08, 2012, 10:04:36 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Order4

Author: bacura

make order to conquer


This is definetly the annoying map No. 1 for me.  :o uhh ohh...

DAMN !!! AGAIN, I forgot that totems in the corner !! AHH !!!


This puzzle-type map was a very nice challenge.  A few tips:


1.  Select your first two upgrades carefully.  I picked two fast-build upgrades (+10% Energy, +20% Build), but I ended up without enough firepower to reach the Relay Tech later in the game (arg).  So I started over, and picked firepower upgrades instead (+20% Fire Range, +15% Fire Rate).  These allowed me to reach the Relay Tech much more easily.

2.  Try not to lose any Blasters, since you can't make more until near the end.  I lost one Blaster to inattention, and it made the break-in to the reservoir more difficult, but not impossible.

3.  When you go to break into the reservoir, a good approach point is from a Relay on the upper edge of the map.  You could also approach from where you got Relay Tech, but the upper approach is better, because this lets you abandon the Emitter-nest portion of the middle map and use those Blasters for the reservoir break-in.

4.  It seems like you don't have enough Blasters for the reservoir break-in, but you do, if you supplement your firepower with Mortars.  Build several sacrificial Mortars, and fly them in to carpet-bomb the reservoir while your scarce Blasters protect the Relay-in-progress.