Custom Map #11410: Maze. By: Desertraider

Started by AutoPost, February 02, 2025, 12:49:47 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11410: Maze

Author: Desertraider
Size: 256x256



aka: AlexX

Martin Gronsdal

Johnny Haywire

very nice map.
thx 4 mak... no! I must break free from their mind-control!

*Puts on custom-made monogrammed aluminum hat*

This map is a great exercise for seeing how fast you can click and select stuff. It felt like I was building a nullifier every 5 seconds or so. You know it's a good map when you're using half the power zones for relays just so you don't have to build as many. Lots of fun, and the maze makes it a lot easier and cool-looking at the same time.

thx 4 making!
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