Custom Map #2035: CORRUPTION. By: faz corp

Started by AutoPost, October 14, 2024, 08:23:00 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2035: CORRUPTION

Author: faz corp
Size: 448x252

with no coordinates to follow the ticon corp follow the slipstream of the particlate to the most used location but it appears this was the worst desion they coud ever make once they reach their destination DO NOT TOUCH IT'S LAND sorry had mistakenly deleted old version when i was trying to do it to a diffrent map


No idea how to win this map.  I've destroyed everything, but it looks like there might be an invisible spawner on the right, but I don't know what to do about it.


lower middle of the map look under the ship you will find a hidden info cache... Also the object of this map isn't too destroy anything you can win simply by collecting all caches.


yes i in fact did hide a info cache under one of the derelict ships
also does anyone have a tutorial on where and how to place the files for the ship modification mod?