Custom Map #11021: Gravitational Collapse. By: Apexian

Started by AutoPost, February 01, 2024, 04:52:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11021: Gravitational Collapse

Author: Apexian
Size: 169x169

Something very wrong is going on here... Distortions and anomalies are everywhere... Take care, or else your demise will be imminent.


Credits go to: Richard333 for the volcano script, and virgilw for the otrav things and the gravitron (the 2 things messing with the creeper flow)



Soften the south west as much as you can by assassinating emitters and towers, and attack when the tide is low.
Rinse and repeat, weaken an area when the tide is low, when it's weak enough attack.
The attack on the fortress is rather hard from my experience, but strafers, bombers, terps, and berthas help a lot.


Thanks! I kept trying since I posted the question and finally found a strategy that worked for me. Slow, but I got there in the end. I started from the south east and advanced from there. Nice map!



@Johnny Haywire
Since you liked Valor, I think you'll like this one too.
Same high-low tide gimmick, just on a much larger scale. (It's far easier though).
Tell me what you think.

Johnny Haywire

Looks cool! Thanks for the recommendation ^_^

Although it was easier, it was challenging enough to keep it very interesting all the way through. In most maps, once you secure a base and begin to go on the offensive it's either a long grind or a short path to victory. This was fun all the way through, even after killing everything around the boss in the center. I didn't check to see if it was like an inhibitor and by killing it the game would end (?) because I surgically killed everything around it and then ended the game.

Lots of AC, tons of spores, good amount of starting aether - this has pretty much everything that makes a battle an enjoyable challenge. Great job!

Thanks for the map!! =)
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