Custom Map #11270: Normal map, slightly more challenging. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, September 06, 2024, 08:19:00 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11270: Normal map, slightly more challenging

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 256x256



If I really go for it, I can catch one spore volley, and nullify two other towers, but I still get hit by two more volleys and die.
So... "slightly" more challenging my ass...

Johnny Haywire

One hint that might be helpful: Nullify a spore tower right away and put a reactor in the PZ. The extra power you'll get from the reactor will help you expand very quickly.

Then, once you get a few more PZ's you can start putting beams on them.

Oh, and use all that extra power you have to nullify a few of the lone spore towers on islands and put a beam in the PZ.

Once you get the hang of that kind of build, this one will actually be pretty easy.

Martin - I almost quit when I saw the spore tower to the left that looks like it has to have the "guppy trick" on it. Thankfully, it's not needed. I still haven't gotten around to re-installing my old computer but I'm pretty sure that trick doesn't work on this version. Or maybe something else is off, like my brain. =P

Thanks for the map!
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Johnny Haywire

How do you know that? Have you been reading my mind again? The salesman at that last convention sold me a helmet that (according to him) would block any people, machines, or gorillas from reading my mind.

If he's wrong lemme know so I can get a refund =P
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Martin Gronsdal

I have to stop this. I have to stop pretending I am Johnny Haywire. Today they gave me my medicine, and I know I am Martin Gronsdal. I only think I am Jonhy Haywire when I drink too much juice.

Now, Kamala Harris, I need you to stop the other candidate from being elected. I'm the president. What was his name again? What is this game? whhhat? Who am I?

Johnny Haywire

I know exactly how you feel because it's as clear as confusion can be to know who you are but not who you aren't, except for the other days when you only know things that no one else does.

BTW, they let me out of the facility a few weeks ago. They called it a "transfer" but when the truck rolled off the highway and knocked everyone else out, I figured since the doors opened magically by themselves they were letting me go free.

So I can come over now. If Kamala lets me, that is. She smokes the same stuff and hears the same voices that I hear so we hang out on weekends.

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Martin Gronsdal

Well, it seems we've been thoroughly reprimanded—time to play nice like the model adults we supposedly are!

Johnny Haywire

I actually AM a model adult!

So am I!


BTW, that was certainly not meant to be a political statement. When I thought of someone laughing the way I do, I thought of her merely because she's in the public eye - not because she's a political figure. Had it been 20 years ago I might've used Jim Carrey as an example. I was just trying to identify my character with a particular personality. Look up "Haywire" from the show "Prison Break". There's a reason people call me that, lol.

Technically, politics would be addressing in a positive or negative manner the policies that someone or a group has enacted or voted for/against. As far as personalities go, someone who's a bit goofy sometimes and has smoked weed or whatever is much more likely to be one of my friends than someone who doesn't laugh (not mentioning any political names on the other side... just in case). It's just personalities, not politics.
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Martin Gronsdal

Adele has the best (worst) laugh, but she was not born in the USA, hence no material for president. You guys will have to wait for the first woman president at least another 4 years. This is not political. I'm not speaking of qualifications, nor my preference, just laughter. Oh, wait, KH has a bad laughter as well. In that respect, she is indeed qualified.

Johnny Haywire

Speaking of laughter and tying it in to more relevant discussions... I would seriously like to hear the maniacal laughter that comes from your cavern as you're making these maps. It's like you get struck with an idea of how to twist a map into such contortions that the average player has to purchase a new monitor after attempting your map. Not that I'm speaking from experience but did you know that apparently the average 4k monitor is NOT built to withstand the impact from a logitech wireless mouse moving at a speed of 25 m/s?

Just to make sure this never happens to me again, I placed bulletproof glass in front of the monitor so now I can play all your maps with no fear of having to buy any more monitors! I shall RULE THEM AWWL!!

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