Custom Map #11238: Normal map, no tricks. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, August 18, 2024, 12:16:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11238: Normal map, no tricks

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 201x201

play smart, not hard.

Johnny Haywire


This is a map that will test your math. Building in a small area in a single corner, as I typically prefer, just wasn't working. Close, but I think you need at least 21 power (?) by the time the third spore tower starts firing. Tried multiple ways and failed each time.

So this map will stretch your strategy. What's the most efficient way to build up a lot of power in a short amount of time? If you don't know then don't play this map.

Great job with the setup, Martin. You tweaked this map pretty much right to the limit of being extremely difficult without being impossible.

Totally didn't plan for our finishing times to be so close but hey, I thought that was cool too.

Thanks for the map!!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

Well, you beat me with more than 20 seconds! Glad you liked the map

Martin Gronsdal

Johnny Haywire - are you able to upload a few screenshots of your starting position? I think we solved this in a very different way

Johnny Haywire


Dunno if this will work or not. Been years since I uploaded a pic on this forum, lol.

Ok, so stuff changed a bit I guess. I tried inserting it as a pic with the link but it didn't work. If there's a simple solution feel free to pass it on.

And sorry for the delay in replying. This new forum is weird. The other one used to make it easier to see replies to your posts. I suppose I'll get used to it in another 5 years =P
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?

Martin Gronsdal

This works. You beat the map the hard way, I see! (Hard way also implies great skills on your part)

Johnny Haywire

Lol! Well, it worked on the first try unlike the way I tried turtling in a corner. Ignored most of the stuff on the sides and went straight up the middle. It's a really well-placed challenge for sure!
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