Custom Map #11101: cursor test. By: kek

Started by AutoPost, April 06, 2024, 08:46:59 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #11101: cursor test

Author: kek
Size: 100x100

this was my attempt at making a cursor map and i think it turned out well AG and Trickycorp are the original writers of the scripts (unless someone else wrote it) i hope you enjoy playing the map! #CRPL


Is this working properly? I can move the star emitter thing with I but the cursor isn't creating any AC at all.


Yes, it works, but only when its Activated by the Runnernests that  are tilted with a black circle in it. You can only Emit AC in Space and on free/AC covered Land (Free in the sense that there isnt any Creep on the spot you're trying to cover.

so, i hope that helps.


Gameplay was weird.

Initial situation felt powerless: Nothing emitted, I had forgotten that the I key sets the emit point, so I didn't see anything I could do and didn't know if I was supposed to do something or just wait.

Having to wait until the 45° powerup was active was annoying. Nothing to do.

Finding the right place to start wasn't trivial either. Tried various things.

Key observation:

Moving emitters are MUCH easier to flip than stationary ones. They will flip back, but if you got it to flip once, you can make it flip again, and expand the AC-covered area while it's on the dark side.

Once I had around 100 AC, things got too easy.

So this was a weird scenario, too hard initially, then too easy.

But still a fun map!


Great first map of this type! I look forward to you making more and refining your technique. :) Starting with at least one tower active would definitely help!


excellent map dude!  the only recommendation i have is to put a text box at the start to let the players know to "use "i" to place the AC cursor position on the map" etc...

otherwise i have nothing to say past, good job, great map, make more! 8)
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus

Johnny Haywire

Wow, a cool new map!

Having been away from the game for so long, I've just played through a lot of the old cursor maps, so when the cursor wasn't working I looked for the shiny star and pressed "i" to move it where it needed to be.

I'm not sure if I like it more or less than the default cursor position because there are advantages to both. I do agree that it would be helpful if you'd specify which type of gameplay you're using.

What makes this a cool map is that it's very playable for players of all levels since it's much easier than many of the earlier cursor maps, but it's still a little challenging. You have to think about things every now and then. Also, the most effective route isn't the most obvious one. I like that.

Dude, great job with this map! Cursor maps are really enjoyable, and this is one of the coolest cursor maps. I'd be happy to see more difficult versions of this if you're so inclined but don't feel pressured. You have a knack for creativity and I hope you continue to put it to good use!

Thanks for the map!!!
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