Custom Map #1888: What A Mesh (pac). By: Ranger Von Danger

Started by AutoPost, July 05, 2021, 07:37:14 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1888: What A Mesh (pac)

Author: Ranger Von Danger
Size: 256x160


It was a little hard for me to get off the starting location and the cursor moving creep didn't seem to work for me, but I could have been doing something wrong.


Fun map!

It's not necessary to take out each island - just cover enough land to make the cursor powerful enough to get to the rift lab on its own and taking out the ERN'ed Pylons along the way so a few emitters can be placed on the final island.  But taking one's time to cover the map in creeper is a totally fine strategy as well.


I was never able to get the cursor to work, any ideas what I might be doing wrong?


Quote from: thetroll527 on July 05, 2021, 01:18:04 PM
I was never able to get the cursor to work, any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

The cursor generates a tiny amount creep where you point, as long as there is some creep already present near where you are pointing. It does not function over the void.
The way to use the cursor is to start in a small puddle of creeper, and then slowly move your mouse, dragging a trail of creep around.
The more land you cover with creep, the stronger the generation at your cursor.


The cursor works, is an ampifier of existing creep, the thing is that the power is proportional to teh amount of creep in the map, so at the start you wont feel any difference.

Now for the map, it was fun but as someone said, after you get 3 islands, you can just use the cursor to get to the riflt lab, so no need to advance with the emitters which kinda defeat the point.
If you wait a bit, you cant place the emmiters at the start cos they wont activate, so you gotta be carefull about that.
And i wish you could have placed a void bridge to the tiny islan at the beggining so that you can mesh all over everything adn satiate my ocd :)

kkep em coming


Quote from: alche on July 05, 2021, 04:54:39 PMAnd i wish you could have placed a void bridge to the tiny islan at the beggining so that you can mesh all over everything adn satiate my ocd :)

You can fire spores/blobs into the void, and build mesh from the creeper they release, allowing you to bridge to that island (though it can be a bit finnicky and time consuming)
I'm known as Auri in cw4.


Quote from: Durikkan on July 05, 2021, 05:20:26 PM
Quote from: alche on July 05, 2021, 04:54:39 PMAnd i wish you could have placed a void bridge to the tiny islan at the beggining so that you can mesh all over everything adn satiate my ocd :)

You can fire spores/blobs into the void, and build mesh from the creeper they release, allowing you to bridge to that island (though it can be a bit finnicky and time consuming)

yeah, i know, that is what i did at the end, but you know, for the purity of this map...


How did some do this in 3-minutes?! I managed 11 minutes 13 seconds after a dozen attempts, island hoping with spore launchers.


Quote from: Morthica on July 07, 2021, 12:11:39 PM
How did some do this in 3-minutes?! I managed 11 minutes 13 seconds after a dozen attempts, island hoping with spore launchers.

Hmm...I got a legit 9 minute run with spore launchers and skipping islands on my first attempt at the method you describe.  There's a blatant gap between the missile launchers on the island with the ERN portal, so I went for that spot after I took the first island.

I didn't see a way to delete or turn off units at the start, which would be the obvious method to a fast 3 minute cheese.  There might be something in the 4RPL like "type in a magic code on your keyboard to immediately win" like we saw in the Airship Commander tutorial level.  Or we're all terrible at cursor levels and just need to admit it to ourselves.


Quote from: Morthica on July 07, 2021, 12:11:39 PM
How did some do this in 3-minutes?! I managed 11 minutes 13 seconds after a dozen attempts, island hoping with spore launchers.

Ah, that was largely me. It centers around the fact that clearing mesh refunds creeper into existence.
The first minute or so is spent strategically clearing preplaced mesh around breeder terrain or vulnerable positions, using all the ERNs available to build up creeper to empower the cursor, then just delete a bit of the mesh on the last island and cursor it in.

It's a bit cheesy.



It would have been good with some sort of cursor explanation. Wasted so much time trying to figure out how it worked. After you take a few islands you can just cursor it in, but still a decent map.