Custom Map #1704: [PAC] [CURSOR] The Vacuum. By: CS Z

Started by AutoPost, June 05, 2021, 07:33:17 PM

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Super fun map, maybe make space bar the toggle instead of the mouse to avoid switching when trying to scroll around.  Also beeing able to set the teleporter to pause suck/dump/pause to move around would be cool.  Can't wait for the next one !


Super neat mechanic with the distance to rift lab for the amount spawned. Early game was a little ragged, late game was overpowered, but the middle game was awesome.


Super fun and awesome map. I hope you make more like it. Fairly easy, but I enjoyed every minute of it.


What a fun and clever mission!  As a word of advice to other players, at the very start, work on destroying towers rather than mortars (the extra capacity really helps).  Then destroy a few mortars that are aiming at the pool, and go straight for the emitter (since there's no AC up there) rather than trying to creep your way over.  There's no reason to travel in a linear fashion since you teleport creeper wherever you want it.

I'd like it if this added the "click to pop eggs" that was added to recent PAC missions.  It's hard to pop them even by removing creeper if they're right next to an emitter.


I've only just finished the main story and got onto the custom maps.

I really really enjoiyed this and went looking for more in this vein but as this is the first ill have to keep an eye out for more in future.

While the start was a bit of a slog once you get the rythm its like being a god, smiting rows of units and freeing other emitters.



Quote from: Malignantmind on June 05, 2021, 08:41:17 PM
Very fun once everything gets rolling. But the start was agonizingly slow. Took about 10 minutes on 4x speed just to get out of the starting corner. Which would have been 40 minutes otherwise.

But man, once things get going this was really fun. I loved cutting off the supply lines and disabling huge chunks of the map.

Okay I take back my initial problems with the slow start. Second playthrough once I had a better grasp of the mechanics went a lot smoother. I really hope to see more maps using this mechanic. 


Hey all, bit of a necro, but I just reached this map, so throwing my thoughts into the ring.

Besides what other people have mentioned. I found that after you get enough storage, you can just spam right-click something to destroy it almost guarantied, with only the occasional refill trip from the E Emitter.

So yeah, fun map with a cool gimmick  8)

P.S. Attaching my .cw4rec just for reference  :)

Spamming my Up+B Special since 1999!


No idea how people do this quickly. I must have spent 15 minutes and am still trying to clear the initial area. Maybe there is something super basic I am missing???


Quote from: Ecafoop on June 14, 2024, 12:04:29 PMNo idea how people do this quickly. I must have spent 15 minutes and am still trying to clear the initial area. Maybe there is something super basic I am missing???

I was missing a technique or two... AND the towers were not connected?!?!?!?!?!? People with 20 minute times I can understand, although completely impossible with the map the current way it is. The map is playable, expect an hour minimum.