Custom Map #8061: 6 in the evening. By: Luke B UK EARTH

Started by AutoPost, December 31, 2019, 02:55:46 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8061: 6 in the evening

Author: Luke B UK EARTH
Size: 255x255

A long Steppy world designed to avoid invasion from wheeled being and Those without terps, Luckily the Terps have been transported here before your arrival, it's just a case of collecting enough to get through. Good luck, #Long


Some nice time pressures at the start,
and yes the huge berms make for an interesting obstacle.

But in the totality, this map just leaves one with an impression of..... too big.


Thank you for making this map.
Nice graphics and terrain.
I enjoyed the start/survival, but then it became a very long and slow march to victory.
Maps should only be this large if there's a good reason, otherwise some players will lose interest.
Looking forward to more maps from you.

L Bater

I thank you for your comments and yes it is a bit big and samey after a while. I'll keep that in mind.
I did like the sand texture - I got it from a beach photo I took, loaded the photo into the old paint program that comes with window then changed the size to fit the requirements in creeper world. (256 x 256 pixels)  The blues are from the sky from similar photos.

Many thanks


Actually the slow slog can be sped up by marching up along the edge of the map.
Normally that's less fun because it takes a challenge out, in this case it helped cut the boring part.

Another tip: No need for that many terp pick ups.
You need just a single terp to overcome a berm if you don't cut it down to level 1 but simply create platforms that are just enough to place a relay or a weapon on it.
On the minus side, the pickups are annoying if you rush along a side because you still have to kill all the lingering creeper to get at them and finish the map. I had built a row of Berthas in advance to deal with exactly that problem so it wasn't too bad; it's just something to keep in mind if you want to make a map that does not allow Berthas.