Custom Map #2358: The Source of Everything. By: Narcosis

Started by AutoPost, September 19, 2021, 05:58:26 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2358: The Source of Everything

Author: Narcosis
Size: 360x180


Quite a marathon of a level, though it didn't feel grindy until the final phase. Having to wade through the massive creep wave, followed by the massive forb spam was a bit tedious, especially with the eggs, skimmers and blobs vs the very limited number of snipers.
I really liked the final phase's mechanics, though there are some bugs when it comes to having units in midair. I had one of the boss' attacks randomly fly all the way down to the fiery pit piece of landscape. I'm guessing the targeting messed up since I had sniper in transit at the moment it unleashed it's attack.

As for the optional objective, wouldn't it have been possible to perform one final map edit and supply the player with an infinite box of liftic beside the totems to power them after the boss fight was over? Alternatively, would altering the map to destroy the totems cause the condition to immediate succeed with 0/0 powered?


Interesting map until the final phase.  At that point I decided I'd had enough when I saw the massive wall of creeper headed toward my base, saw the message about the preferred targeting of snipers for some upcoming terrain crater weapon that didn't sound like fun to deal with, the resizing mesh on void, the forbs, the pock-marked terrain that needed to be Terped, the loss of my airport (again), whatever that moving hand was doing differently, and the previous phase left me already on the edge of quitting with the obnoxious spinning egg thing + air sacs on exposing the core.  It was just too much all at once.  I do appreciate the effort that clearly went into this map and can pretty much guess what the ending would be like.

Additional comments:  I figured out that saving most of my units was possible if the units were told to move just prior to activating a fully charged nullifier on the core and then carefully adjusting destinations of units in peril of blowing up when they landed (pink landing zones).  But it would have been much better if moveable units were simply relocated to safe areas of the map rather than just unceremoniously blowing them up.  I also did not appreciate the deliberate destruction of both of my microrifts each time the level changed.  I'm not sure what the point was for limiting the number of snipers.  And it would have been nice to get an ERN or two after completing each phase, which would have somewhat made up for blowing up a bunch of units (maybe give an ERN for each X number of destroyed units to somewhat make up for destroying them).  Just a few thoughts.  I did, overall, find the mission to be interesting to play.


It seems there's only one spot to place a nullifier and then be able to access it. You can pretty much screw this position by placing it somewhere else. The size of the enemy then prevents you from clicking on the nullifier, and you're blocked.


Seems it's possible to break this map so it won't progress past the first stage. Now sure how/why, but no amount of nullifiers can act on the "head"/