Custom Map: Survival 3: The mountains

Started by AutoPost, August 21, 2010, 01:06:08 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Survival 3: The mountains

Author: Sqaz

Wow, the creeper doesn't seem to be following you anymore, but it has mixed with the water in the rivers, hope you can survive this map.

PS: This map has no speed nodes, this is done deliberatly and means you'll have to keep moving OC to your frontline.


one question: how to beat it  ???
that map is really hard  :-\ expert only?

snowmaker (JM)

I definitely got surprised  ;) but recovered... maybe I will try again. Nice map!

snowmaker (JM)

I changed my tactics after that few minute surprise and moved a few items around   ;) You will probably beat my score now.

I don't rate maps with a "1" when I can't beat them... that surprised me.


Survival 3: The mountains
Creeper type:
Land only
I actally thought this was a medium map, but now, and because of shadow's comment I know hard was the right choice, cause you'll need to use some paratrooper attacks and move the city some times.
You can also pwn this map, I won't do it as I want my score to be a beacon for the ones that will finish this the intended way.
And after about 3min the platform of your city will be overtaken by creeper.
Story Untill now:
You got out of the mining camps and you're now crossing the mountains to the other side of the island to rescue the remaining survivors, but even though the powerfull creeper isn't following you anymore, you'll have to watch out for the creeper mixed with the water of the river.
Full size screen shot:

The other parts of the serie: Survival 1: The beach
                                        Survival 2: The mining camps


Quote from: snowmaker (JM) on August 21, 2010, 05:38:18 PM
I changed my tactics after that few minute surprise and moved a few items around   ;) You will probably beat my score now.

I don't rate maps with a "1" when I can't beat them... that surprised me.

Damnit, thought you couldn't beat it that way, but I guess I was wrong, I'll soon try it again.

This is actually one of the reasons I love this game, it has dozens of possibilities, and after playing 6 months I still can eliminate all of them

Oh and also congrats for not rating this one, bacause you at first couldn't beat it, there aren't many people like that so thanks :)