Custom Map #10576: S03-01 - Nasz. By: LappySheep

Started by AutoPost, March 19, 2023, 07:15:57 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10576: S03-01 - Nasz

Author: LappySheep
Size: 123x123

With a new star system comes a new gimmick. You might struggle to get a foothold in at the start. It'll be interesting to see what scores people get for this one.


I'm not sure if I like the map or not. I'm really bothered by the enormous costs here... and the limitations of the upgrades. anyway: thanks for doing it
aka: AlexX


The cost increases are for units that act as 'significant' ones. The heavy forge restrictions mean that they act as support rather than a carry into the later parts of the map.

For most people, even with forge upgrades, they may still struggle very slightly on energy i.e. when dealing with the
growing spore shooter

Thank you for playing anyway - I do want to make costs less harsh - this map is just to introduce the feel for it.


I really enjoyed this map. It is compact, challenging and unusual. Looking forward to more like this.