Custom Map #10307: Friendly map. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, October 06, 2022, 04:30:56 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10307: Friendly map

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 256x256

so... this map has no tricks and start is super easy creeper level is low, as the emitters only have the strength of 10. Spores are negligible. Runners are actually your friend. every unit costs 1 and there are beefed up totems available. this is not your average MG map. Go for it! Play it! Yes you can!


just make everything nice and clean. Marvelous!
aka: AlexX


i really liked this map, good job Martin!

make more in this style, but maybe add more AC source like some flip emitters or more mines that can be claimed from the creeper area?

and more emitters, and more spores would be good too lol!

The 10 limitation is a fun mechanic, one i messed with once but this map is better than my go at this concept, and is inspiring too!  more maps being planned by like this too!

cheers dude!
"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus