Custom Map #10415: Ore map, no tricks - harder - 4. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, December 01, 2022, 02:30:06 PM

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Johnny Haywire

Totally agree that this map shouldn't have "no tricks" in the title. But it's a game, and in-game deception is generally regarded as fair play in much the same way that bluffing in a game of poker is acceptable. So I see a "no tricks" map by Martin and assume I need to reconfigure my in-game view settings so I can see whatever no trickeries are floating outside the map.

I actually enjoyed this map once I saw a solution. I kick myself for not thinking to [spoiler not spoiler] keep the totems charged up to use the singularity. Judging from Weasee's time, he probably thought of that. I was thinking of how they get the cheddar flavor to stick to potato chips better than to popcorn so by the time I ate the third family-size bag the totems were depleted.

If you're struggling with this map and still around (highly unlikely), don't focus your build where you think you should build. Land a CN in that creeper pool and build over the ore mines on the south side where you can safely place a lot of beams. Not sure if that's what Martin intended in the map but I liked it.

Thanks for the map! =)
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?