Custom Map #10120: Ruined Fort. By: Dark6al3a

Started by AutoPost, June 19, 2022, 09:40:13 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #10120: Ruined Fort

Author: Dark6al3a
Size: 86x62

A small Ruined fort on a planet uninhabited for millions of years, Can You Liberate it from the Creeper ? Very Easy, Expect either a hard mode or a PAC as the next map Anyways.....Enjoy!


Waiting for Something to Happen ?


Quote from: Dark6al3a on June 20, 2022, 05:56:18 AM
Feedback ?

Did as it said, then started building up the attack force. Attacked bottom first, with help of a PZ shield. Also had a sprayer on middle taking down the creeper there.

Focused mainly on fire rate in forge, got the top and then middle emitters nullified. On right side had one sprayer vacuuming extra AC for the front-line sprayer.
Had all 5 mortars built by now.

Didn't actually need the PZ strafer on the final screen-shot below.

Overall liked this, just wished it would've had third ore mine somewhere but AC emitters helped with that aspect. :)