Custom Map: Terrain: Pyriamid

Started by AutoPost, April 03, 2011, 11:14:27 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map: Terrain: Pyriamid

Author: The Commander

Just another level by me. Spores are used and will come in at five minutes as usual. But this time it alternates from left to right. So have fun!

P.S. Please leave a comment about what you think I should do next and give some constructive critism


great map


Pretty nice map, I really like the symmetry. But appart from the spores there should be somewhat more pressure in the start. And in the end its pretty easy to conquer each group of emiters with just 2 blasters, so in short your map is somewhat to easy for me. I hope you can do something with my comments and good luck on building more maps, keep up the good work. ;)