Custom Map #1798: Grand Egg Mountain. By: TrickyCorp

Started by AutoPost, June 25, 2021, 12:53:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1798: Grand Egg Mountain

Author: TrickyCorp
Size: 128x128


Alright new pointers, went smooth. It's been awhile since I get these map developer reviews and unlike SC2 they actually come so I can easily reverse these

First part of the game had to send cannons to each corner then pushed the rest forward i didn't bother making snipers till much later though

pretty sicc



Quote from: Mr$Hyper$ on June 27, 2021, 03:25:17 AM
Heres a thought: DONT PUT IN 10 STRENGTH YELLOW BREEDERS FOR CREEP! I get blasted at 5 minutes by massive 10 height waves while I'm doing my VERY best with all my cannons and mortars and now I'm in deficit 40 because this map is just not good. I can't swear because yeah I can't or this'll be removed.

Here's another thought: don't make these maps, don't egg the map and realize that I don't want to spend 3 hours on beating this god forsaken map which I went above the one hour mark before it became tedious.

This map just has a hard start. If you can't do it yourself, do as I intended originally and call a friend and use mverse. Sorry if I didn't make this apparent enough. If you wanna give constructive feedback, tell me about how nullification should have been an optional objective or something like that.

You don't HAVE to play these maps, you know? There's enough other maps out there for you to play. Also, those waves aren't even that big. The issue is that you don't have that much area to build at.

Also I think you forgot a "1" at your rating, not gonna fix it for you though as I might be misunderstanding it.
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P


I know it was made in my rage state but seeing your review I can now change it for the better thanks for being incredibly active so 7/10 tried it again went goooood


Late to the party but well, finally here and cheers ;D

This was a very intense map that I underestimated only for a short time
Tbh, I didn't expect to see any spore and I planned to grab both erns. Both didn't turn out well
Another plan was to use a couple of shields, but... no Arg, no Shield, you know...
This map really teaches how to deal with eggs - well done!

Greetings from The Shire
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