Custom Map #9901: Bad Map - Don't Play. By: EnderFighter64

Started by AutoPost, March 04, 2022, 11:50:22 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9901: Bad Map - Don't Play

Author: EnderFighter64
Size: 128x84

Whoever plays this map is wasting their time.


is this a cry for help?

the overly negative approach to your own map is somewhat worrying, either you are very depressed or perhaps an edgy person looking for compliments?

either way that is not a healthy mindset.

please approach a trusted adult for help with the low self esteem.

also please do not submit maps you personally do not think are worth playing.  Since Cs is for complete maps intended to be fun and/or challenging, and not for low effort cries for attention or achievement type maps, you should stick to uploading actually completed maps you are proud to put your name to.

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.... Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.... Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?.... Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?" --- Epicurus


As teknotiss says, if you really think it's bad, don't submit it, but please do ask here on the forums for advice on building maps :) There's a good community here.

The map actually isn't that bad - it will appeal to those of us who like to speed-run maps.  The limitation of only one nullifier at a time turns it into a bit of a puzzle - how can you get the fastest time with this limitation? Also the beams and snipers are limited in that you can't build any more - another interesting limitation.

The concept here is OK; lots of power, cheap buildings, some limitations, some red herrings. But some of the implementation could be much better; perhaps try building some more standard maps with the usual upgrade/building costs, to begin with; these are quite well balanced for normal play. Changing the costs requires a bit of an understanding about the balance aspects of CW3.

As for some ideas on improving this map: you have runner nests, but no digitalis. So the snipers are not required at all. Adding some digitalis trails would be of benefit. The air exclusion nodes are only useful when you want to prevent guppies, strafers or bombers from attacking an area; but there is no requirement for those type of attacks on this map. Making some digitalis that a strafer could attack, to prevent a runner nest spawning is one idea. If that was protected by an air-exclusion node, it makes it a little harder to take out the nest.
As there is so much power available on the map, the emitters and spores could be much stronger, and the spores could build quicker. One or two of the spores could be very tough (e.g. 25 spores); which would mean trying to eliminate those first.

I hope this gives you some encouragement, and best of luck with your future maps!


I liked it, and keep in mind that those of us reading your comment DO have the time to spend playing maps and most of us like trying different/new maps from new mapmakers.
I found it a quick and easy way to start the day, so thank you.