Custom Map #9808: Persistance. By: NamelessMiss

Started by AutoPost, January 10, 2022, 05:02:28 PM

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Quote from: Riskbreaker on January 12, 2022, 05:52:26 PM
surgery on a giraffe chicken by a two headed ogre

I don't ever want to be the person that has to administer the Rorschach test for you...

Martin Gronsdal

Or, it's exactly who you may want to be! Interesting observations


I will always defer to Domonik, he's the master.  But I did start with a series of pickups.  I completed in just over 35 minutes, and I believe I could improve if I did it again.
I started in the middle left with 2 collectors to pick up the guppy tech.  Then immediately returned the CN to orbit.  As soon as the CN was available again, I dropped it in the bottom left to get the berth tech and kill the spore tower.  Then killed the CN again.  After 30 more seconds I dropped the CN in the bottom right, and built two beams and got the Thor tech.  The spore tower fired once, no damage.  Then I killed the spore tower.  Then I killed the CN once more, and in 30 seconds started building in the top left using the provided reactors.  I got control of the middle island with berthas,  guppies and a Thor.  But I forgot for a while  to take the weak emitter in the far right to get the PZ


Quote from: hawgwash on January 13, 2022, 07:44:41 PM
I will always defer to Domonik, he's the master.  But I did start with a series of pickups.  I completed in just over 35 minutes, and I believe I could improve if I did it again.
I started in the middle left...

@HW -
I tried that exact technique and the best I could do was 26:07.
Using D0m's plan, I was able to shave almost two minutes off.
Could have done better but have never mastered the "Floating CN" trick. Kept losing connection (and time).

Excellent map though. Not often I'll completely play through a map three times in a row.
Fun stuff!