Custom Map #949: Battlecreeper Operational. By: Fireswamp

Started by AutoPost, March 06, 2021, 12:49:53 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #949: Battlecreeper Operational

Author: Fireswamp
Size: 250x200


This is a really difficult map.
Here is a possible strategy, although I'd like to read others, who were a lot faster than me.


What I did was conquer the whole map, which is not intuitive, as that means the ship will bother you at all points in time.
But it seems a way to go forward and control the amount of creeper in the long run.
So, whole map conquered in 6-7 minutes, while having two drops of emitters. Boost the AC production as much as possible to inundate the map and tamper the ship damages.
And the most important, create as many units as possible, at least one cannon and one mortar by tower. You should always use as much energy as you have available. And in parallel, place lots of portals to keep a connection with the whole map later.
Next sequence, creating dozens missile launchers (I had 70), and use remaining ERNs with them. Attacking the ship starts at this phase. You can wear down the ship to one square of life, while switching off missiles when you have too many emitters to destroy at the same time. Mass stuns should remain a minor issue with this strategy.
Of course, the final sequence with critical creeper and the map being torn down remains a major issue, where i had to keep units running away from danger, while trying to hit the ship as much as possible. Didn't think I was going to make it.