Custom Map #1200: PACursor 2: Bunker Buster. By: Heritor

Started by AutoPost, March 30, 2021, 03:23:44 AM

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Emitters are useless after 5 to 10 minutes of playing, as they get nullified when on the frontline, and the cursor is ridiculously powerful. However, even the cursor isn't good enough to beat thse rooms full of AC breeder and the AI fighting makes you unable to hold more than one front, as you absolutely NEED the cursor to hold. This clearly needs balancing.
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Quote from: WithersChat on April 01, 2021, 06:39:08 AM
Emitters are useless after 5 to 10 minutes of playing, as they get nullified when on the frontline, and the cursor is ridiculously powerful. However, even the cursor isn't good enough to beat thse rooms full of AC breeder and the AI fighting makes you unable to hold more than one front, as you absolutely NEED the cursor to hold. This clearly needs balancing.

The emitters are useful to keep pressure on timed doors with cannons behind them or to hold a hallway while you are working elsewhere.  The biggest trick is to get to the big room where the blueite is before all the AC gets there.  If you push hard you can get your non cheese time down to the 26 min mark.


After the first time's 2 hours of trying to fight AC, I found the simplest solution:
shoot all the spore from bottom right to the maze above redon ore room, there have a tight angle and not much missile.
take over redon with emitter then put 6 spores at beginning shot directly at rift lab, simply wait for all arg gone and cursor it.
I got 11min with not much effort :)


very good. 
it took  couple of times to get the hang of the cursor and clear the room with the collectors.  Then that first  room full of anti creep was a bear.  I tried using spores on  the little room to between it and the bluite room and placing an emitter, but that didn't work for me.  eventually it was a slug-fest 1-2 punch of knocking out the mriff and using the cursor to cut off the entrance to the room and putting an emitter there,   Once that room was taken, the rest is just pushing the cursor down the hall.   the AI's habit of putting shields hurt it this time as it cleared the AC from inside the shield and any creep placed there was unopposed.   it still was a struggle.


That was really easy. Long and tedious, but not at all difficult. I beat it with nothing but emitters and my cursor.


Quote from: deadpoor on April 01, 2021, 11:37:38 AM
After the first time's 2 hours of trying to fight AC, I found the simplest solution:
shoot all the spore from bottom right to the maze above redon ore room, there have a tight angle and not much missile.
take over redon with emitter then put 6 spores at beginning shot directly at rift lab, simply wait for all arg gone and cursor it.
I got 11min with not much effort :)

I'll have to give that a try


Quote from: deadpoor on April 01, 2021, 11:37:38 AM
After the first time's 2 hours of trying to fight AC, I found the simplest solution:
shoot all the spore from bottom right to the maze above redon ore room, there have a tight angle and not much missile.
take over redon with emitter then put 6 spores at beginning shot directly at rift lab, simply wait for all arg gone and cursor it.
I got 11min with not much effort :)

that was a neat move.  I couldn't do it as fast as you did and you have to get the angle just right.
but there is a lot of AC on the lab and there is a small supply of redon near it.   so I took out the Mriff on the top of the hill out first to drain the arg supply and then  took out the pylons in the hall outside the lab room to cut off everything else,  then used the cursor and an emitter in the hall to expand the amount of creep and with the spores back on the lab and the cursor on it too... boom.   


7 hours real time - game said 5hours plus as it liked to lag a bit.
Didnt know about the cursor creep thing till 4 hours in so spent along long long time trying to break that large room by the bluite. Broke the bluite room and held it thinking i could cut off and burn out the AC in the area........... nope
managed to get a spore over to the redon tunnal and made a slow push from there..... so much AC that even when i did break the power room it took forever. Glad i didnt quit


I just shot two spores direct into the top right room. That has done the trick for me. I just left the bottom right room for itself untill the end -  to much creep but no problem with one emitter in front of the "maze".


How do I start in this map? There is no creeper and none of the buildings/abilities works. So I can't use XMesh because it just flashes and doesn't let me to use it. Seen this in several cursor map where Mesh/XMesh etc. buttons doesn't work.


Never mind. I was suppsed to press that red ball to spwan creeper. :)