Custom Map #9717: just a simple micro-map. By: Martin Gronsdal

Started by AutoPost, October 02, 2021, 07:43:24 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #9717: just a simple micro-map

Author: Martin Gronsdal
Size: 21x20



Yet another such micro sized map with unsolvable puzzle.
How do I nullify the emitter if I choose to keep the command?
or Without the command how would I nullify the air exclusion tower at the bottom?
The command is only sitting on a small piece of land instead of on a piece of land its size?

Martin Gronsdal

Johnny Haywire

The average person's late-at-night thoughts: "Hey, I wonder if there are any cool new movies on any of my streaming services..."

Martin's late-at-night thoughts: "Hey, I wonder what new devious inventions I can design that will cause the brains of those hapless peons who dare to even glance at my maps to explode, dissolve, or just overheat and shut down! OOoooo - I got it!"  *quickly runs off to his basement laboratory to devise yet another evil plan*

#youvedoneitagain  #verycleverbutnottoodifficult #manysolutions #whoevenplaystictactoeanymore

Thanks for the map!  ;D ;D

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Nice map.

I encountered one weird bug though:

I can *build* a cannon in the top-left corner, and it behaves. But it it leaves that spot, I cannot later fly anything it back there.

Um, nevermind.
I'm seeing this similar behavior on many (most?) maps. Its just so rare to want to build a mobile unit on the extreme top left, that I do not recll seeing this happen before.