Custom Map #2196: Mystical box madness. By: Hypnotic22

Started by AutoPost, August 19, 2021, 07:42:39 PM

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It's already been vastly improved since the version showcased in this map, just perhaps not in the direction of making it trivially easy like you suggest ;)

100 hours is a serious stretch, none of the maps so far took me more than 1:30h (except for omega doom which is genuinely unreasonably difficult on purpose). I admit the maps are a bit more grindy than regular CW4 maps but the moment I read your 100h remark I don't know why or how I should see your feedback as credible at all.

The reason friend box scaling is as high as it is is because it's just there to give you a starting force at the beginning, and a slow increase in resources later on. We used to have the scaling be much lower and testing indicated that you just ended up winning with basic units and only building the friend box, which isn't the intention of the gamemode. Mystery boxes is what you ramp up with. You start with opening 1 at a time and eventually get strong enough to open more at a time. I very much listen to feedback, but you purposefully made it boring for yourself by not even trying to tackle the challenge presented to you, so I'm not sure why you think I should read feedback from people playing the maps wrong on purpose for reasons I simply don't understand. Every unit you have here matters which is why you have to take good care of them as well as tackle threats properly.