Custom Map #2195: [redacted] the void!. By: TrickyCorp

Started by AutoPost, August 19, 2021, 09:36:04 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #2195: [redacted] the void!

Author: TrickyCorp
Size: 192x120


I myself had to play highly optimized for the score that I got. The pointers in the starting message (green text) can be used to achieve victory if one sufficiently pushes against creeper and creeper sources, though this one isn't a walk in the park even if you know what to do.
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P


Based on the opening text I thought this would be hell but played like a standard level to be honest. Fun level though.


I received a complaint about the title of this map. I suggest you Google the word you used and I removed. You can resubmit the map under a new title.