Custom Map #1811: FPS: Seeing Double. By: qople

Started by AutoPost, June 27, 2021, 01:29:50 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1811: FPS: Seeing Double

Author: qople
Size: 256x160


Relying on classic upgrades isn't that good since these creeper waves hunt you down like an animal

Honest review 5/10 on a second run. I'd prefer there be non-classic upgrades


you get upgrades from the caches, but it would be nice if it said that on ada



Managed it single player - pretty easy. Took 30 minutes or so.


Majority of the game-play is fine.
First time I ran this as multiplayer I was invited, no issues except the learning curve of an fps.

Second time I ran this as multiplayer, the other person who invited me kept having a glitchy switch in and out of first person, I hosted it and invited them, same thing happened to them.  They played with someone else and didn't have this issue.

Game play is fine but the MVerse might be causing this problem of multiplayer or a random trigger is bugging out.  They don't have this issue playing solo.