Custom Map #1822: Sleeper AI: Someone to Lava. By: Heritor

Started by AutoPost, June 28, 2021, 01:39:41 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1822: Sleeper AI: Someone to Lava

Author: Heritor
Size: 256x160


Okay, so as the first proper iteration of Sleeper AI for CW4 (that you can actually fight against as the base), I'm fully expecting there to be all sorts of bugs, glitches, and unintended effects that I didn't come across whilst playtesting.

Please, please, *please* if you encounter anything that you didn't like, that you did like, that you felt was a bug, or you felt was cool - any feedback at all, whatsoever, please drop it here. This can only get better, but to do so it'll need people providing as much info as possible.

For reference, here's my playthrough:
Pro wrestler, graphic designer, video editor, programmer, cat daddy, game designer - I'm more caffeine than man.


I enjoyed the map. I'd recommend removing berthas (and maybe airships) from your arsenal since you can just kill the lab from a distance without any effort.


I liked the mechanics of the map quite a bit, but the map itself was a bit of a miss for me.
The range of the sleeper units requires having a substantial force of your own units in order to push forward, and the steep hills without large enough room to even land a single unit made pushing past the east third of the map pretty much impossible without the use of Airships and Berthas. The sleeper mortars, in particular, are a pain to deal with as their range allows for multiple mortars to fire at your advancing line, and even if the blobs get sniped, they deposit their creeper, creating a pseudo-emitter infront of your advancing line. Shields help, but again, the lack of room to place units made this not feasable.
I eventually just gave in, and cheesed it with Bertha spam, as they can damage the Sleeper Lab even under its protective layer of crimson.

I did notice a few bugs. Firstly, when the lab was destroyed, the structures around the resources were not destroyed, requiring me to snipe the last 6 structures down with Berthas. Secondly, it looks like each unit built has a field that collects creeper around them, similar to how Mesh works. These fields remained at the position of the units when the lab destroyed them with its death. They didn't do anything or cause any issues, but a bug is a bug.
Finally, I feel like the mites from the corrupted factory should prioritize resource nodes closest to it. The first 7 waves of mites scurried across the battlefield, aiming for the western most resource nodes, and were snipped off by my starting defenses. As such, the super weapon only went off once at around 20 minutes in, when the AI finally took the close Greenar Mother that had been sitting there for quite some time.

Other than that, great map, and I can't wait to see what improvements will come along eventually.


Played it and enjoyed it, it was only when I noticed there were bertha's (and airships) that it became super easy.

Having slugged through up until the midfield hill without these 2 weapons was bit challenging (and very fun) thanks to good terrain and energy draining though the mortars of the sleeper getting sniped, once I noticed that the bertha was a thing and that it could 2 hit most of the sleeper things, it became a walk in the park, once the energy drain fell away more berthas only made it even less difficult, at this point I didn't even bother pushing up with towers or anything, just a squad of 10 berthas manually killing everything.

It was sad because I just came across the next hurdle to face with the creeper turrets starting to shoot down my pushing force.

Map and game mode in itself is definitely a 9/10 and hope to see more of this in the future.