Custom Map #1660: PAC Of Skimmers. By: NotAProGamer

Started by AutoPost, May 27, 2021, 09:40:25 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1660: PAC Of Skimmers

Author: NotAProGamer
Size: 320x200


I think it does work on air sacks but you need to use more than 1 to see an increase


I'd like to politely request you don't try to police how I play my game that I paid for with my own money, that I'm playing for my own enjoyment, and in my own way.

If they werent't so incredibly boring and tediously long when not cheesing I'd not cheese the level. But I don't give you a hard time for what you seem to think is fun. How about in turn you let me have the fun with it how I want, eh?

You make your choices, I'll make mine.


Aw; last one? I was hoping you figured out a way to boost air sacs to increase their quantity beyond a maximum of 2. Wanted to flood the screen with air sacs lol.

Ty for silly fun.


Not as enjoyable as the blob map, as the vast majority of the waves sent out did absolutely nothing.
Too many snipers, positioned to cover too much ground, and skimmers by their nature are not the best attacking tool in the Creeper's army.


Again the comment says boost script doesn't work on air sacs, but it does.  I did this in one of the previous missions.  It takes like 6-10 boosts though. Can't remember if It changes the actual unit creation time as well.


Just wanted to say a BIG thank you for all the maps you've created.

I've really enjoyed the "boost" maps as well, sometimes I just play this game to sit back, relax, and zone out. I'm a bit sad that you won't be making any more but I look forward to being able to replay them.


Quote from: Karzon on May 27, 2021, 04:43:17 PM
Again the comment says boost script doesn't work on air sacs, but it does.  I did this in one of the previous missions.  It takes like 6-10 boosts though. Can't remember if It changes the actual unit creation time as well.

A previous map with boost had an air sac...I remember dropping dozens on it and all it managed to do was raise its spawn count to 2 and drop its spawn time to...I don't remember. Maybe it was changed for different versions? But I didn't find which map behaved differently.