Custom Map #1691: Creeper Cross. By: SilentHunter27

Started by AutoPost, June 01, 2021, 10:58:10 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1691: Creeper Cross

Author: SilentHunter27
Size: 256x256



Good concept, good design.

I found the "energy starving" unnecessary. Kind of like how games give the final boss waaaaaaay too much health to make it "harder" but it actually just makes it take longer and the player gets bored.

Also, why didn't you let us use orbitals? t.t This would have been so much more enjoyable with rockets. At least then I wouldn't have to fiddle as much with platforms or wait so long to clear eggs and such. I found myself in "4X" a lot XD


In my opinion this is my best map. I'm just trying new things. Seeing what works and what doesn't work. Learning from my mistakes to try to make a good map.