Custom Map #1215: ???. By: unknownplayer

Started by AutoPost, March 31, 2021, 09:55:12 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1215: ???

Author: unknownplayer
Size: 320x200


What? You pre-built all lthe units, placed pods to build the microrifts, built a no-use decayable wall inside the non-decayable crazonium walls, laid out al lthe units, placed the info cache within easy reach of where you pre-placed the Rift Lab.

There's nothing left me for me as player but to sit there for 20 minutes?

No thank you. I"m reporting this mapo as an insta-win map (which it is because of the objective that will be instantly gained) and then I"m hoping others will do the same.

The idea behind colonial space is fui, playable maps to share with the community, not sitting here watching someone else play my game.