Custom Map #234: Terps Only. By: sgmr29

Started by AutoPost, December 17, 2020, 09:35:05 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #234: Terps Only

Author: sgmr29
Size: 192x120


This is a really creative concept for a map and I enjoyed it immensely. It was frustrating at first trying to get the AC flowing the way I wanted it, but once I merged both streams it got easier.

Also, shoutout to the guy that spent 23 and a half hours on it. Jester, you are a legend.


Quote from: Argonwolf on December 20, 2020, 02:44:43 AM
Also, shoutout to the guy that spent 23 and a half hours on it. Jester, you are a legend.

At 4x that's only 6 hours.  Barely an inconvenience. :)


I'm glad people are enjoying it.  It took some tweaking to keep it from being too difficult or too easy.  For anyone looking for hints:
Just like Argonwolf said, the strategy I used was to combine my two AC cauldrons into a narrow and tall Y that led to one of the creeper cauldrons.  I lowered my cauldrons to level 1, dug the Y channel down to level 4, and encased it all with a level 20 wall.  As long as you keep your AC cauldrons wet, the relative totals of AC vs creeper will essentially stay constant.  So the trick it to let the creeper spread itself all over the map while your AC is laser focused on an objective.


Quote from: sgmr29 on December 20, 2020, 08:16:55 PM
I'm glad people are enjoying it.  It took some tweaking to keep it from being too difficult or too easy.  For anyone looking for hints:

I did something similar.


I first built a wall along the river to separate the creeper and AC, then built along the bottom edge of the map, making a 10 high platform for terps and pylons and a 20 high wall on the edge.  This let the AC flow along it and then down onto the creeper below at the exit, letting me move in my 30 or so terps leapfrogging in groups as new land was raised for them.

Then I went up to get the first enemy cauldron, took it and did the same with the next.  I didn't terraform either of my cauldrons, just left it all in place.

Evil Mathematician

Best advice I could say: ""Ride the waves!"

Hint 1 -
When 2 waves come into contact, the meeting point is higher. Use that to your advantage

Full-on Spoiler -
Build 20 high walls along the sides where the 2 waves meet. Just play the map a few times. Watch that meeting point and build walls parallel to its path. I also made all the ground along the path 8 high, I did not even bring the walls down around the anticreeper emitters.

Took me about ~26 minutes (35 real-time).