Custom Map #363: at the end creeper win round 3. By: GuardianDragonlord

Started by AutoPost, December 28, 2020, 06:01:17 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #363: at the end creeper win round 3

Author: GuardianDragonlord
Size: 512x100


i dont get it. i mean, is it just supposed to be extremely punishing, or is there something im missing?

ive tried starting mid and rear, both just run into the infinitely respawning instant killing bugs that i need too many guns to suppress, to be able to nullify their bases, only to be overwhelmed by floaters with too many hitpoints for missiles to be reasonable.

so what am im missing because it appears to be a huge pain in the butt slog with no redeeming value except to see how terrible you can make it.


Quote from: Hurk on December 29, 2020, 01:25:57 AM
i dont get it. i mean, is it just supposed to be extremely punishing, or is there something im missing?

ive tried starting mid and rear, both just run into the infinitely respawning instant killing bugs that i need too many guns to suppress, to be able to nullify their bases, only to be overwhelmed by floaters with too many hitpoints for missiles to be reasonable.

so what am im missing because it appears to be a huge pain in the butt slog with no redeeming value except to see how terrible you can make it.

idk at this time ill need to look in to it

this is designed to be a campaign for the creeper is trying to win. yes it is going to be a giant peanut but it's the third round everything about it is desired a way where it's not completely impossible series a special spilled into it to a point but if you do let it go to all the way to the very end and make it to the final wave It's a finisher hope you have to be very considerate of you seen your stores and your AC in the very beginning and aggressively pushing your power output to a point where you can defend against anything even against the onslaught of the aerial assault but if this map needs to be re-balanced. I'm completely for it I don't have enough people to test the stuff out


Yes, no matter where i started, i used prolific amounts of AC to counter.

two basic pain points that just make it take more time without adding anything to it really:

1. floaters need reasonable hitpoints. 4 missiles is tops for what i would set them to be killed. thats 2 units dedicated per incoming floater.
2. the drones dont need to be so prolific. having to build 20+ guns to suppress a nest, then all the wonky-ness of building sacrificial units to nullify it doesnt do any good when my power budget is stretched to the point where nullification fails and i have to go back to suppression, causing a loop of activity.

what i mean here, is cap the drones per nest at a smaller amount, the spawn rate is fine and is something thats reasonable to deal with.  learning how to build sacrifice units is fine. being flooded with the concept is not

the middle is clearly the better starting point despite your design. its just getting enough guns alive to the rear is a pain. if missiles could actually deal with the floaters, then i would easily deal with the small need for sacrifice units up front while i fought the uphill battle to the rear.  im not sure if you paid attention to the tree power bonus, but its significant enough, that even at the start, it makes it a better position. once you can get to the blue and make mines, power + blueite are infinite. the issue is you have to completely shut down all floaters so they dont get to the rear and start spawning repeat creep on the multipliers. thats where the excess hitpoints they have cause failure.

where the map bogs down, is having to use guns to shoot everything the floaters are dropping because you cannot get enough missiles online to deal with them. the floaters alone can consume almost any power budget.

On a side note, i think those units in general are a huge design issue. we are supposed to be this super futuristic fighting force and we dont know how to build anti-air units that work or have range, but somehow we have bombers.

John Galt

I think you actually need to reduce the time between spawns, especially for blobs and skimmers.  By the time I had the sacs spawn at the 10 minute mark I had 8 airships there to meet them and like 300 fully loaded missile turrets, sacs didn't even get close to the first dark tower and didn't get off a single orb.  I had everything else neutralized before anything but the first sac wave spawned.  The middle is definitely the best place to start because you can get to the arg in under one minute and start building a portal over to the other land.  Center just has so much more energy too you can ship it over with porters and start mining greenar to ship back in time to set up massive forces around the first tower.  The bombs are annoying, but dumb and predictably blow up whatever is closest to them (hint: don't let the nullifier/sniper/power line be the closest to them), you can deal with them with a slow sniper push and luck and/or a little sacrifice building.

Very fun map though, props to you guardiandragonlord