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new ideas

Started by scottysnyder, January 24, 2010, 02:14:42 AM

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Ive looked around on suggestions boards and idk if this has been said before so sorry if you hear this again.

new mobile building: packet storage ammo and building. they look like storage but they can move and odin city can fill them up and you can use them on attacks with turrets.also you could make it so the city can grow or what about mini cities.  A random suggestoin  but what about if you know a buildin is going to be destroyed it has a ability to be filled wit ammo packets from the city and an explosoin will really affect the creep. also what upgrades that involve a lab and in additoin another new unit that can actually collect some of the creep and take it to the lab for research RLLY EXPENSIVEand what about a timer reles flood of creeps sorta like after 10 min a constant flow of creep floods into the map from gates and it doesnt let up for 2mins.also tunnels that have rocks blocking creepers side and get worn away after a while it lets way and a creep waterfall. also what about making a creep that can not b so easaly stoped like the gate idea only shorter and creeps wont evaporate as fast and theres a few emitters there already.

new creeps: creeps that have diff. attributes like:blue = reg. yellow= fast but slightly, weaker, green = slow but thicker, red = fast, thick.
advanced creeps: orange = immune to mortars. white = imune to drone bombs and there could be diff. colored emitters on 1 map they can overlap in layers so to cause them to raise difficulty and cause the player more problems these immunities can be stopped by the lab research and collectoin.

the most dangerous creep I can think of is
Black creep= slow but thick does not destroy blasters and other military buildings it drains there ammo but should it reach an energy storage it will drain the energy and create more of itself also it wont destroy collectors if will cut there connection and control them to make more of itself it it will do the same to reactors if it captures a relay station its speed will increase.should for any insane rason it captures a speed building its speed production and thickness increase

weaknesses and info:blue-its really easy after after u set up a defence
                           yellow=blasters-pathetic if its only 1 emitters but deadly if a lot
                           green=mortars-slower than most but can build on itself while moving
                           red = like green and yellow combined and with slight reductoin on both still more deadly.
                           orange- blasters and bombers
                             white-blasters and mortars - in my book these are rather annoying than hard
                             BLACK= none-in my book the perfect killing machine.
notes: if layers works out dangerous comboes are yellow and blue they are faster and thicker than red.
yellow + white = pest
green + orange = hard to kill
anything + black = absorbed and faster or thicker.

does this sound good? the black 1 is probobly crazy and to hard to make but man it would be a nightmare for people who underestimate it.


we've had the discussion of different types of creeper as well as upgrades, tunnels, gates, creeper producing buildings and most of that stuff before the one thing i do like is the self destruct idea, when it looks like you're going to lose a building you fill it with ammo packets and once the creeper destroys it it creates a powerful explosion like several mortar shells going off together in close proximity (kinda like a mortar mine but more tightly packed) that idea i like, the others i've given my opinion elsewhere (against in most cases because i feel its not in the cw spirit or its something for a much later release)


We've already had stuff like this suggested. Some of it is good, some of it we just don't need.
