Custom Map #586: FPS: Anti Up. By: qople

Started by AutoPost, January 20, 2021, 12:02:27 AM

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I've even uninstalled and reinstalled the game and rolled back to a previous version. The problem doesnt occur on the other two fps maps. Just this one


So from what I've gathered about this bug, it happens like this: you start the map, but going into first-person mode just gives you the game's default free cam behavior. There is no crosshair, and the map doesn't respond even after waiting.

A few clarifications that might help me pinpoint the problem:
-Are you on the most recent version of the game (v1.2)? There were a few changes to 4RPL that I used in the level, so that might break things.
-What operating system are you playing on?
-Does the entire map freeze, or does creeper still move?
-Does the starting game message change to the high FPS message when you press shift-f? Does it then disappear after a few seconds? (To see if the scripts stop)


I just tested it, and can confirm that this is a problem with playing the map on update 1.1.1. Make sure you're on version 1.2, and that should fix the issue.


Quote from: Qople on January 21, 2021, 05:19:07 PM
I just tested it, and can confirm that this is a problem with playing the map on update 1.1.1. Make sure you're on version 1.2, and that should fix the issue.

ah yes thanks for that ill it updated



Quote from: chaotea on January 20, 2021, 04:38:59 PM
"Yes, but the mortar is NOT supposed to aim at the Creeper, it's supposed to aim at the cell you're pointing at. "

I feel its intentional, as it not only allows you to hit creeper from far away at its deepest (as the FoV is so tight you cant see the top of creeper when looking at the floor) but also allows the mapmaker to design without the limitation of needing to have every room slope down.

It actually creates more problems to me than it fixes, because that makes other areas, which are in PLAIN SIGHT, untargetable with the mortar. And it happens that these are often strategic points such as breeder, or info caches. The fact that it prevented me from clearing info caches or breeder, even when I had more than enough firepower for it, was what made me take a break from the map. (I'm not even sure I want to finish it, but maybe I'll do.)
There is no signature!


To explain why the mortar aims the way it does:

In most situations, it is helpful - or at least more intuitive - to be able to aim weapons directly at the creeper you want to damage. As was previously mentioned, it is more versatile with steep changes in terrain, but there's a bit more to it than that. When you're as close to the ground as you are in the FPS maps, it can be hard to tell exactly what terrain a wave occupies, so it can take some thinking to figure out where you need to aim. Aiming at a wave also becomes incredibly sensitive and precise when you're aiming far away. I don't want aiming where you want to aim to be the tricky parts of these maps, so I went with the option that is easier to use the majority of the time.

Looking back at your original post, your complaint appears to be more about obstructions from waves of creeper near you than specifically about the mortar hitting creeper.
Quote from: WithersChat on January 20, 2021, 05:51:28 AM
so we can aim where we need, to strategically take off breeder without shooting 3 cells in front of you because of a wave passing by.
That's perfectly reasonable, and there are a few things I can do to fix or mitigate it without having to give up those advantages I mentioned above. (Make the mortar ignore creeper for the first 15 cells or so, for instance.) I hope this clears things up somewhat.

Oh, and control is the slow down button instead of shift because I wanted to avoid people accidentally pressing shift-e and invalidating their score on a map easily over an hour long.


interesting map... but annoying control with a french keyboard, where azqw letters are not located well for it. Arrows are way better as they don't depends on keyboard configuration


How the hell do you beat any of this at all? Ive only got the one little area clear (skipping the starting area), and I literally cant make any progress anywhere else. The weapons are way too weak to make any progress against the breeder terrain. All I have is the cannon, mortar, and autofire upgrade, nothing else is possible.

Ive beaten the first two maps, but this one just isnt possible.

Nevermind, it just took a very specific order and a LOT of patience sitting there whittling away at the creeper, just barely making progress.


I played 3/4s of the map, found it really hard, then i discovered i had a sprayer available and not just cannon and mortar... facepalm... then it was a breeze. Loved it


How do you jump?  I am stuck behind a 1-unit-high barrier that I cannot get past because I cannot find the jump button.

EDIT: Strike that, apparently the spot I was trying to figure out how to jump past was actually a thin line of void.  Though there's a 3-tile-high patch not too far away that keeps annoying me despite my ability to go around.


I just created my forum account, so I needed, needed, to stop by here to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, for starting the FPS maps! Your first two were the start of something great, but this one, I feel, is the first really refined FPS map; the movement is smooth, the weapons each have purpose, each "room" feels unique. This map really showcased how awesome FPS maps could be in CW4!  :)

And I saw some complaints at how the mortar targeting works, so I've gotta say: it's perfect. Having the mortar target creep instead of ground makes it sooo much easier to target the peaks of all the creeper waves. This targeting style really is inspired! Great work on paving the way for the FPS genre in CW4! ;D


Im stuck at the second room, autofiring into the corridor with waves to the east but cannot get through to the second item. Any hints?


I have some weird issue with the crosshair. It moves like a lagging mouse cursor and follows the surface depth of what I point to. It's really disturbing.