Custom Map #8715: 44x44. By: TrickyCorp Tiny Levels

Started by AutoPost, August 01, 2020, 01:03:46 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8715: 44x44

Author: TrickyCorp Tiny Levels
Size: 44x44

Small islands, using reactors is disencouraged by high costs. Good luck and Have fun. Hint: use reactors if your energy production is too low, they really help. #NoCRPL #FriendlySpores #NoDigitalis #NoTotems #Space

Johnny Haywire

You didn't say that building reactors was discouraged, so I built one or two. Not sure what disencouraged is.  ::)

Nicely done, simple map... thanks for making it  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Quote from: Johnny Haywire on August 02, 2020, 01:38:28 AM
You didn't say that building reactors was discouraged, so I built one or two. Not sure what disencouraged is.  :)
English is not my 1st language. Because you notified me of my incorrect grammar/word usage in a fun way I think I will just accept the feedback. This is a reaction to something that isn't about the level itself, so don't react to this and don't quote this either.
When you want an explanation for something I use in my levels, or if you want to suggest something, feel free to tell me. Just don't ask/suggest things every other day please :P


Quote from: TrickyPlayer on August 02, 2020, 05:50:46 AM
English is not my 1st language. Because you notified me of my incorrect grammar/word usage in a fun way I think I will just accept the feedback. This is a reaction to something that isn't about the level itself, so don't react to this and don't quote this either.

Hey - you're clearly having fun making your maps and lots of people are having fun playing them.
Johnny H is a real wordsmith and I have always seen him offer advice in a friendly way - never in a mean-spirited way.

Keep having fun and keep making maps.

Johnny Haywire

Hey TrickyCorp, your English is actually really good... much better than a lot of the native English-speakers that I've come across online. I just picked that word out because it's one that really seems like it should be a word. And the fact that you have creative & humorous dialogue in a lot of your maps makes it even more impressive that English is your second language... or actually, considering that your English is so good I wouldn't be surprised if English is your 3rd or 4th language. Anyway, kudos on the maps & dialogue. I'm really enjoying your maps so far!

And thanks for the kind words, Helper! I enjoy your maps too!  ;)

I suppose I forgot to mention about this particular map that since I prefer slow, easy, and certain victory to fast, more difficult and/or uncertain victory... once I was able to hold off the creeper long enough, I built a couple reactors to be sure I'd be able to power up my defenses as I went. I can see that reactors might not be necessary in this map, though. For me, I prefer "better safe than sorry"  ;D

You disagree with this sentence, don't you?