Custom Map #8352: Hopper. By: Rhyno

Started by AutoPost, April 25, 2020, 12:17:23 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #8352: Hopper

Author: Rhyno
Size: 200x200



Good-looking map, nice concept.


It simply does not realize its potential.
*why include forge pickup, when you start with forge?
*why bother with the strafer, bomber & sniper pickups, when you allow infinite Berthas, thus ensuring there is nothing left of the top-right island (including runners) but some radioactive dust?
*the stepladder uphill fight to the SW is nice, but the amount of creep coming down is so low, it might as well have been level ground
*an elaborate network of stepping-stones in the void, but it serves zero purpose as one PZ relay allows access to the SW island?

Lovely idea with the abundant-but-inaccessible ore fields.
But again, by then you have zillions of Berthas, so why bother with the AC?

To fix this map:
*Lose the Berthas. Completely.
*Make the emitter by the terp stronger(so it floods its whole island), and closer to the terp (to prevent capturing terp on startup).. Although the placement of the relay pickup leads me to believe the terp pickup right at the beginning is part of the "plan" for this map.
*make the emitters on the SW island much stronger. Have the player need to ascend through a waterfall of creep, not a decorative trickle. This might make the PZ-relay shortcut obsolete, too.


Thanks for the feedback.  Really great suggestions.  I'll make the changes and resubmit.
