Map tools

Started by cquante, May 16, 2010, 06:10:37 PM

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    Here's something I use when making my custom maps.  I set it up as a custom background while working on a map, and it gives me a nice grid I can follow for laying things out.

    Do you have any tools or tips that work for you when custom mapping?

    For instance, want an easy way to make all level one terrain purple, and all level five terrain orange?  Go into map settings and change the level one tint to 2.  Use a program like MWSnap 3, ( to capture and save the change to a jpg.  Then reload your working map. Now change the tint on level 5 to 2. Capture and save it.  Go into your favorite graphics program, load both jpgs as layers in the same image.  Now use the magic wand to select the layer you want to start with and change it to any color or texture you want.

    I'm sure there are other ideas out there that can be shared.