Custom Map #1742: Save your HQ.. By: MMRB

Started by AutoPost, August 01, 2021, 11:36:24 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #1742: Save your HQ.

Author: MMRB
Size: 320x180

There isn't Energy Src. But there are many Enemy's ship. It's not so easy.


Cannot get my ships to shoot anything. How do you get started with this map?

Johnny Haywire

You need to activate whatever weapons you'd like to use on each ship. Make sure you turn "build on" as well.

I used pretty much only the Maurader and Wolf ships, plus the Mk7 ship.

To be honest though, if you have to ask how to get the ships to fire, you should probably play some other maps first... maybe at least 300 maps, lol. This one is a doozy.

There are really no tricks to doing this map other than to be smart and patient and know how to aim the mk7, especially.

The final emitter will require you to cycle through multiple ships acting as shields to give your HQ enough time to lathe it. It takes a long time.

This is a really cool mission if you're...
1) A very experienced player
2) Patient. There's very little energy production. It will take a while, more than likely.
3) Willing to pause and micro-manage. That's perhaps part of #2. Maybe we should call that #2a.
4) At least as good at #'s 1-3 than you THINK you are. Judging from the ratings, a lot of people THINK they should be able to do this map but unless you're scoring at least in the top 10% of most mental competitions and/or tests, I'd recommend skipping this one.

Thanks for the map!  ;D
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