Custom Map #4345: Nemesis - Dryagon. By: Zythene

Started by AutoPost, April 03, 2017, 08:03:16 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4345: Nemesis - Dryagon

Author: Zythene
Size: 64x84

The first in the Nemesis series, you go to new lands in hopes of uncovering artifacts, discover new weaponry, and the series is not meant for new players. The first planet you go to has a minor creeper threat.

Johnny Haywire

Interesting terrain mess in the middle of the map... forces you to either go around it (slow) or terp it (slower?).

Wonder if a 2-minute time is possible on this one.  ;)

Thanks for the map, and even a bonus bit of storyline.  ;D
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