Custom Map #227: Plenty of Power.... By: lvdata

Started by AutoPost, October 22, 2016, 08:47:41 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #227: Plenty of Power...

Author: lvdata
Size: 500x200

Plenty of Power but no way to get it to the enemy.


Two major problems.

Ship spawners, for the love of god put a respawn delay on them.

I had over 3000 messages stacked up before I was done. You get a couple of omni's in cannon range an suddenly all you hear for the rest of the map in kabooms.

Your ships also just do blind suicide runs. This is bad for two reasons.

Either I got a ship in the path of it, and it just runs his ass over, or I keep ships out of the path and its an easy ass shooting gallery.