Custom Map #4128: Fortress Building - Harder Version. By: JoaoPistori

Started by AutoPost, December 18, 2016, 12:33:12 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4128: Fortress Building - Harder Version

Author: JoaoPistori
Size: 160x160

Harder version of "Fortress Building". 50% less starting crystal energy; 50% more spores; +emitter's strengh; Weapon limit reduced a bit; Some more minor changes. It's not so hard. If you have finished the original version you'll probably have no problems here. Then, you can play "Fortress Building 2"! It's even harder and challenging!


The start is awesome, but after getting to your first corner it turns into routine. I guess you should place inhibitor somewhere in such maps because hunting for each emitter is boring when there is no threat. Usually, this can be handled by overbuilding, but with units limit this is not possible (limit itself adds a lot of fun into this map).


Thank you. This is something that I will take into consideration, however most maps require emitter-hunting and a lot of players like it because it's quite relaxing after escaping from the pressure around your base. Probably a map with both things would be more fun, as it would require some initial emitter-hunting before going straight into the inhibitor.

But there's some exceptions, like in "Fortress Building 2" - there you can (I have to put this inside a spoiler, so don't read it if you haven't played it yet :D)
... fire AoO together with Forge's singularity weapon and rush easily and straight into the inhibitor.

Johnny Haywire

Great job on this map! I agree that once you get a foothold the rest is routine... I just let it run then go watch a 40-min TV show so it doesn't take much real-time playing. The unit limits force you to work a bit smartly though, so that's pretty cool.

Thanks for your good work!  ;D
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Just got round to this one, I often skip releases as I already know the strategy so what's the point! With this map though the times made me think that there would be more to it and there was, very enjoyable and an improvement on an already excellant map.