Custom Map #4338: Craters of Chilled Creeper. By: PR0T05T33L

Started by AutoPost, March 29, 2017, 12:42:07 AM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4338: Craters of Chilled Creeper

Author: PR0T05T33L
Size: 200x200

As Skarsgard's ship begins orbiting a frozen planet coated in a thick blanket of snow, Lia realizes something is wrong with the Nullifier blueprint. She soon finds that the Terp and Bertha blueprints are missing as well. Can our heroes clear the Creeper covering this cold world or will these blueprint problems hold them back?

Johnny Haywire

Cool map - and not just because of all the snow! The dialogue was a nice touch, and well-placed. Nothing too ornate but enough extra detail to break up the monotony of simply plowing through the map.

I found that all 3 bases were manageable simultaneously - the SW base needed a little support from the other two at first, but it made things easier later. There was enough of a challenge to keep it really interesting, but not so much of a challenge where you'll feel like you can't win. Good job with the balance!

Thanks for the map!  ;D
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