Custom Map #4095: Small World. By: anikino

Started by AutoPost, December 04, 2016, 08:27:52 PM

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This topic is for discussion of map #4095: Small World

Author: anikino
Size: 120x120

Small and simple map. #NoSingularity #Digitalis #UnitLimits #NoCRPL #NoInhibitor

Johnny Haywire

Nicely done!

Nothing fancy, but enough of a challenge to make it worth playing... once I had the base built I just left it at 10x speed and didn't pause again. I would have preferred more of the ore to be available earlier (and thus perhaps some stronger emitters)... once you get to the second & third ores, the threat is pretty much overcome by that point. Just a thought.

Thanks for making the map!
You disagree with this sentence, don't you?


Phew, makes you work for everything little thing you get!  And then you are grateful if, and when, you don't lose it.